Folding boxes

If you appreciate the convenience of cardboard boxes and cardboard packaging, then you will find the envelope box especially interesting.
The envelope box is intended for transporting books, adapts perfectly to their dimensions and protects them from damage. This style of packaging is ideal for those who enjoy giving or selling books.
Folding boxes
Folding boxes are the perfect solution for transporting and storing your products. They are practical, easy to use and take up minimal space in storage.
When not in use, they are easily stacked and stored in a small space. They are also available in different sizes and shapes. They can be used to transport a variety of items, from food and personal care products, to electrical appliances.
Folding boxes are easy to fold, can be glued at a single point, and fold in several strokes. In addition to being easy to assemble, these boxes are also a convenient solution for your business, especially in the long run.
In addition to these folding boxes, for the needs of clients we also make self-folding boxes, glued in 3 or more places, which are assembled in one move. Making these boxes is more complicated and therefore a little more expensive, so our clients more often opt for folding boxes, which are almost as simple and practical, and also affordable.
Note: we mentioned that folding boxes can be used to transport food – in this case we meant food that is packed and can stand, for example canned food, pet food. For the transport of freshly prepared food, i.e. for food delivery from restaurants, for example, for pizza delivery, you can see our offer on the Food and beverage delivery box page.